The New Algorithm: The Basics

So, this is probably a good start to this blog. How does the new algorithm work on the visits page?

The simplified chain of events is a combination of two things: IPLMS and VCMS.

First, a diagram to show how, generally, IPLMS works:

This is the basic process on just about every page on They all have a fingerprinting library that captures your fingerprint and sends it off to IPLMS.

Now, here’s how the visits page works in specific:

So, while the visits page seems to only get the visit count, it actually also does the IPLMS stuff and logs your IP.

While I’m not going to disclose what the algorithm checks for (it’s really simple, but easily bypassed so I’m keeping it secret), I can, at least, say it checks for four things in specific.

So, “JforPisaniFamily”, hopefully this answers your question as to why the visit count just goes up when you reload the page. The reason? It’s because you’re just another Stormy alt.

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